As we enter into the second month of 2015, I continue to look forward by also looking backward. I’ll explain. Looking forward I’m looking for areas where we can do better, I’m looking for areas that are strong point in our business but haven’t been so strong or as strong as I would like them. In this case I’m referring to my blog. The blog is very much a big part of our business and in order to keep something strong it needs to be worked/pushed constantly, think of it like going to the gym to work out, you won’t accomplish much if you work out one time per month. And during these slower, winter months, the blog starts to slack. So I’ve been looking back at the past couple years to reflect on what we can be doing to keep the blog updated more often, even during the slow months.

The first thing we did is we started a schedule. So for the next 12 months we already have over 200 blog posts scheduled! This doesn’t even include portrait session blogs. I full expect to double the amount of blogs we have built up in 4 years in just one year. Right now to date we have 310 blog posts on this blog, My goal is to do another 300 in just one year.

It may sound a little crazy, and maybe it is, but like I said, a big part of the business is the blog and we want it to be active full of pictures and information. To do so, we are also beginning to reach out to other vendors for guest posts, this way we have fun and informative posts in regards to weddings that aren’t coming from just me, plus it’ll introduce couples to potential vendors they may have never thought of using.

With all that said, this is our introductory post letting everyone know there will definitely be plenty more to come with the next one coming this Thursday to kick off a new style of post: Weekly Image. 🙂




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