As a family grows from one kid to two kids, the family pictures begin to change as well, at least the way I do them. Think about the difference between home life between one kid and two kids. It’s a little quieter with one. While the days move fast, they move slower compared to two kids. Life is a little easier to manage with one kid. I know this may sound like complaining, but as a parent of two kids, I love the craziness of two kids compared to one. Sure, it’s a little harder to focus on some one-on-one time, bedtime can be a little more challenging, changing diapers is pretty much a magic show that ends in a mess, but it’s this high energy sort of day that is so exciting to be part of, because while there are some challenging things about two kids, it also means twice the little laughs, twice the games, ultimately, everything fun about one kid doubles! It’s this high energy, never knowing what will happen sort of life that I love to capture with family sessions. One thing I’m going to do better at this year is preparing expectations for family pictures. Don’t get me wrong, we all love pictures of the family looking at the camera and smiling, but that kind of stillness with two little ones is just about only possible during sleep time. When the eyes are open, the legs, arms, and mouths are moving. It’s this emotion, this running around, the sense of adventure, the unique personalities that I love to photograph. With Allred’s pictures, that’s how their 6-month session went and I loved it!! One of my favorite things about pictures of little ones is when you can almost hear their voices by looking at the pictures. As a parent this is super important to me. I love looking at a picture of one of our kids making a funny face or laughing and you can almost hear that laughter in the picture. I believe we captured a lot of this during Allred’s session. What a fun family they are. I can’t believe how fast the girls are growing and how much personality they have!



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