Anytime I have an opportunity to photograph a friend’s wedding, it’s a pretty special feeling. I’ve known Andrew for probably the better part of 10 years, maybe longer. Time anymore seems to go by quicker and quicker. As a couple Natasha and I have had the opportunity of getting to know Andrew and Lara as a couple for a while and now having the opportunity of photographing the next stage of their relationship is truly an honor. What a perfect day we had for their wedding. I mean, Fall is perfect wedding time anyway, but this day seriously perfect. The Fall colors were just starting to show, so we still had plenty of wooded coverage, but with the golden sunlight, the yellows really shined. The morning started off like any other wedding with some prep time and a first look. The next shot was to be a shot of Andrew and Lara with their dogs. This is where the excitement started. Apparently, one of their pups is not much a fan of people in suits. This is pretty unavoidable at a wedding. 😉 Once their dog saw the suits, it was almost as if the color and leash weren’t even on. The constrain was broken and pup was free. The problem was, no one with a suit could go after it, this would only encourage more running. Pup was eventually caught, nerves were calmed and with all this excitement we still had lots of time until the ceremony. We loaded up and went to Ballard Nature Center just outside of Altamont for some outdoor pictures. What a fun time this was. Being friends with or at least familiar with most of the wedding party, it was especially fun having sometime to not only be a photographer but to enjoy the day with friends too. The ceremony at The Carriage House was absolutely amazing. We’ve done a number of ceremony + reception events at Carriage House and I feel like this is the way to do it. Logistically, it makes things easy on you as a couple as all your guests are already at the reception hall. For family pictures, this is nice, because where else will family go? We don’t have to worry about anyone leaving before they had pictures taken… this happens almost all the time with family pictures! And then it’s super easy to transition into the reception. The Carriage House staff is ultra fantastic with this, turning what was the ceremony hall into the reception hall very quickly and allowing you two to get on with your reception smoothly and easily. What an absolute blast it was to photograph Lara and Andrew. I’m honored that they gave me the opportunity to work with them and so excited for them as a married couple now!



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