Photography always has it’s set of challenges, whether it’s the temperature, precipitation, other people, etc. Who knew one of our biggest challenges would be corn flies (aka sweat bees)?! I just read an article that said they were on the rise and lots of them and I thought to myself, I have seen a lot. Then I tried taking pictures and the entire time I’m having to wave my hand in front of my camera to wave them away, snap a pictures or two, wave, snap, repeat. I’m thinking maybe some sort of torch attached to my camera with a bug repellent fuel would be nice. I may be onto something here with this idea as it would serve as a bug repellent for me too, not just the camera. I know, I can wear bug spray, but a camera torch would be so much cooler. Anyway, I’ll call this part 2 of Amy and Jaron’s engagement pictures. I photographed them earlier this year, and what a fun couple. I was definitely up for a part 2 session. Working with them was just as fun another time around and gets me even more excited for their wedding day. We started out at Lake Sara in Effingham, IL to get pictures out in the wooded area, this is where the corn flies decided to make their grand appearance. After some time out there creating some amazing pictures, fighting flies and sweating in the humidity, we headed for downtown Effingham, IL. A location that is local to me, but a location I haven’t been to in quite some time! It was pretty awesome being back downtown and exploring some spots I’ve not seen in a while and even finding some new spots to work with. AND, no corn flies downtown! By the time we made it downtown the sun had set quite a bit, and we had an amazingly soft golden sky to work with! Overall, it was a fantastic session even with the challenges presented. I loved working with Amy and Jaron again and loved the images we were able to create!