Jacob (and Parker) were back at the studio and SO full of energy. I almost find it funny, if you were to ask me today after my engagement session what my favorite kind of shoot is, I’d probably reply that engagement sessions are. After a wedding, a wedding would be. After a 6 month old baby session, well it would be a baby session. 🙂 I love having the opportunity to photograph babies, children and families and it’s such a nice relaxing break from the high speed wedding/senior photography world. And sessions like Jacob’s, make photographing babies SO much fun and entertaining. I think I laughed nearly the entire session as we worked with him. Jacob was nothing but smiles and a joy to work with. Parker was presenting his signature tongue picture since his 3 month session, however he seemed to be a little goofier this time. But it’s that kind of behavior that I encourage during sessions with kids. Maybe I’m out of the ordinary here, but you see so many pictures of kids that are so cheesy looking and almost adult looking in the way they are posed in smiling… my philosophy is “let the kids be kids.” And it’s those pictures that I know parents will love to cherish for many many years.



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