So as some of you might know, my birthday was August 29, and I joked with some saying that I celebrate my birthday just about like a celebrity would. How’s that, you might ask? Well, it lasted about a week long, we went to multiple cities, the only thing missing was a six-digit price tag to this celebration. 🙂 I’m just kidding of course. Honestly I celebrated my birthday by taking Natasha to our local landscaping joint and picked up some plants and got busy to work out around the house. Throughout the next week though we really did visit multiple cities, so is it really too much to say that this was my birthday week?

Natasha had a friend, Tanja, from Germany come and stay with us for a while. Tanja was en route to San Francisco where she will study abroad in the U.S.  So we went to Chicago on Thursday to pick her up. Friday was kind of the cill out day, except for me, because I knew with taking this much time off I could not afford to get behind, so I spent the chill day working, but come on… I love what I do so it’s actually relaxing to be behind my computer hard at work. 🙂 Saturday Natasha came with me to shoot a wedding, and this was only the beginning. Sunday we made a trip to a friend’s house near St. Louis, then Monday we made our way back up to Chicago to enjoy a Cubs game, as well as some sight seeing through the city. And what a day it was! It was Labor Day, and there were many celebrations taking place in town, including Soul Train performing at Millenium Park. Unfortunately, this was before my time, so I was not too familiar with some of those involved, but whoever it was I was just a handshake away from him. lol

Tuesday, we said our goodbyes as Tanja prepared to board the flight to San Fran and we headed back home… but not without stopping at IKEA and checking out some of their stuff of course. 🙂 So overall, I call it a great way to celebrate a birthday.


I just loved their train entrance. All that glass and colors, very cool. 🙂

Natasha, Tanja, and me with the skyline behind us. 🙂

The wind caught the fountain’s spray and the sun just happened to peak out and it look amazing!

On our way back I couldn’t help myself I had to get a picture of the train going by. Call it the photographer in me. lol



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