Lifestyle newborn pictures… this is a session that is still pretty new for me. I’ve been doing these for maybe a couple years now and they are easily some of the most enjoyable sessions, not just for me, but for families too. Sure, there are hiccups every once in a while, especially when working with young kids, or sometimes the weather isn’t ideal, or whatever, there are so many factors that can mess up the vibe of a traditional family session. However, with indoor lifestyle family sessions, if a kid decides they don’t like taking pictures (which almost always happens), as parents, you can just start playing with the kid, moods get better, but that time of playing with them photographs so well! Compare that to traditional family pictures, if a kid decides they are done, it usually results in the parents screaming at the kid to smile, putting on a fake smile and having a family portrait of the family fake smiling, red faced, and one kid crying. Traditional pictures aren’t fun for anyone in this case. Furthermore, let’s say it rains, outdoor, traditional pictures need to be rescheduled at that point… unless you’re doing indoor lifestyle pictures, then you can enjoy the comfort of your home and remain dry. The Brumleve family just introduced a new addition to the family and wanted some family pictures with their son. What a fun session. Lots of tickles, lots of laughs, games and even some negotiating with snacks made for a fun session of the family. I love lifestyle sessions and love the candid nature of the pictures.



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