Maybe by Spring 2020, I’ll be caught up with my Fall 2019 blogs? We’ll see. Is it really bad to share Fall images this time of year though? I mean, at least in Illinois, it’s cold, windy, and no snow. It’s literally the worst part of Winter. If it’s going to be cold, there should be snow on the ground, am I right? So to warm things up a little, I’ll continue my sharing of Fall images. This one takes us back to a maternity session we did at the Schaefer Pumpkin Patch. As the sun was setting, we captured some full-on Fall images. Lots of orange, yellow, and red. However, I do remember that it was a very warm Fall day. But the lighting was perfect and the colors were even better. I love capturing chapters of life, be it marriage, a new job, welcoming kids into the world, it’s all a blast. Being given the opportunity to photograph a maternity session is pretty special, and I’m so thankful the Nordyke’s gave me the opportunity to celebrate this chapter in their life.



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