The cold streak continues except this time we have snow! Our shoot took place on Saturday and the Thursday night before the weekend we were fortunate enough to receive plenty of ice and snow, naturally it was a pretty tense Friday wondering if the roads would be clear enough to make the 2 hour drive north. Obviously the roads cleared and we were able to make the shoot happen, and for an early morning February shoot, it really wasn’t that bad. Sure, it was cold, but it wasn’t windy and the sun was out so it didn’t feel nearly as cool as it was. Renee was an awesome senior to work with. She had such a genuine smile and made poses look so natural. We had a great time walking around the city searching for locations to shoot at and there were so many possibilities I wish it were warmer so we could have done more. Don’t get me wrong, I said it didn’t feel nearly as cold as it was, but the truth is, it was about 28 degrees out, so it doesn’t matter after 2 hours how much sun you have and how little wind there is, the cold eventually get to you. Plus, on this particular day we had a full schedule that consisted of three shoots.

One of the main goals I strive for during any shoot is to provide you with unique pictures. I see so many photographers who go to the same locations, do the same poses, same lighting, etc. and for me personally I really don’t care to edit the same pictures just a different face all day long. Where is the fun in that when we can go to different locations? Where is the fun in it for you if your pictures look exactly like everybody else’s? When photographers do this, it’s a comfort zone, they know they can do a good picture if they go to their “spots” but that’s one of the things I love most about this job is getting out of my comfort zone, I love to try new things. Sure, sometimes they don’t turn out, but how will you ever know if you don’t try? How will you grow if you don’t try? Don’t get me wrong, if we go to St. Louis, chances are we will probably go to the arch. If we go to Chicago, we’ll probably get the skyline, I make exceptions for city shoots, however, I do push my self to do a new angle or different style. With Renee’s pictures happening in Springfield we definitely captured some pretty unique looks.



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