Minus the fact the weather channel lied to us by saying it would be near 50 and partly cloudy, Bailey’s session was a blast!! Shooting at her family’s farm there were plenty of locations that looked great, and that went well with the cloudy sky. A week prior, Bailey and her mom scoped out some locations which was a huge help since it was NOT 50 degrees but rather about 32!! Aside from the fact that the landscape did not look to amazing, but that’s fine, we made it work and the pictures turned out great. During the first location Bailey was up in a hayloft that was about 10 feet up, so you can imagine what a shot might look like shooting that far down. How do we fix this? A tractor with a scoop. 🙂 Bailey’s dad lifted me up in a scoop so that was at eye level with her, not even thinking that I’m sitting about 13 feet off the ground I shot away like this was normal. And those pictures looked awesome.
I’m ALWAYS a fan of girls who watch Next Top Model, whether it’s for a senior shoot, engagement shoot or even a wedding. In Bailey’s case, it was a double whammy because she and her mom watch Next Top Model so they were spitting out ideas, I was putting my input in, and they made for some great pictures. Other than being on a farm, you would think we were actually shooting on the catwalk. 🙂 I look forward to working with Bailey as my senior ambassador, I feel that she is going to be a great fit for the role. Now, check out some of the pictures.