Like any engagement session, prior to the date, we were talking about the location of where to do pictures. D’Nell and Kyle live in Indiana and we decided to find somewhere that was somewhat in the middle of us. I’m not super familiar with Indiana, so I hopped on google maps and started searching for places. It’s at these times that I kind of feel like I’m in a movie and I’m a part of some agency looking for the secret hideout using satellite imaging. I zoom in on a spot, search around the area, if I don’t like it, I zoom out and look for the next spot. I found what could be a possibility in Terre Haute, Indiana. I then google searched this area and it looked like it could be a winner. Of course, there’s no telling for sure until you see it in person. As I arrived to the location, my creative juices were flowing! This place was perfect!! Apparently, it’s a dam that someone long ago built by hand. At one time, there was even a water wheel, but it burned in a fire. Looking around it had so much to offer and the park was pretty small. Open grass area, woods, even an old train bridge that you could stand next too, and of course the old dam. But the dam had so much more to offer. Next to it was what I assume used to be the foundation of the water wheel. I’m not certain, but currently, it looks to be some sort of runoff if the water gets too high. So it had a small waterfall effect with it. Everything about this location was amazing. Kyle and D’Nell were so great to work with and I’m glad they were up for a little adventure to try a new location.



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