What a day! That’s just about all I can say… but you know I won’t. I’ll just start at the beginning. As I was loading up my car of all my gear, the rain was pouring, the thunder was clapping and the wind was blowing so hard that our neighbor’s flag pole was bending in the wind. This storm literally started when I was getting ready to leave. I thought to myself that I’d just wait it out, the problem was, if I wait, I was only going to be driving in it the entire time because the storm was headed in the direction I needed to go! So I waited a little longer. I think most of us would agree that rain is always kind of a bummer on a wedding day, am I right? My wheels were spinning. How do we pivot from here? I mean, it’s storming. Holly and Brent were going to do a first look and do all the pictures prior to the wedding. Kind of hard to do whenever it’s storming out. This is the part of the story where things start to shift. On our schedule, we had first look at 10:45. At around 10:30, the rain stopped and never started up again!

First of all, let me just say, while rain can mess up pictures, the wet ground makes for some pretty amazing images! I love wet ground. I was even telling Holly that when I had a truck, I even considered buying a large water tank to spray the ground to add a little drama to the image. It really added some character to Brent and Holly’s wedding day pictures. After a successful round of pictures with the wedding party and family, it was time for the two of them to get married! The wedding ceremony was perfect. After the ceremony, it was time to celebrate. While we didn’t have to pivot this morning due to rain, Holly and Brent did have to pivot where to have their wedding reception because they had originally booked a venue that recently burned down. Things worked out and they were able to book a venue about 10 miles away, and it looked amazing. The maroon and gold colors were not only vibrant but very rich-looking. For me, personally, I’m really digging gold lately… no pun intended! So much so, I’m actually in the process of changing up my color scheme to include hints of gold because I’m liking it that much!

I loved their reception. After the meal, the dances started and the dance floor was packed! Even better, both Holly and Brent were on the dance floor busting a move. This made for some pretty incredible images. I try to tell every couple to make sure both of them are on the dance floor because people want to be where the couple is and if they are on the dance floor, others will be there too resulting in some pretty fun pictures from the night! What a fun wedding it was! Holly and Brent, congratulations! I can’t wait for you to see your pictures!



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