A few times over the years, I’ve worked with couples where instead of them driving all the way to me or me to them, we finding a meeting place near the middle. What I love about this type of session is that it usually makes for quite and adventure. My last session like this was D’Nell and Kyle’s engagement session and it was such a success, when I began talking with Kaitllyn about their engagement session location, they were open to whatever, so I thought why not do another meet in the middle session? The somewhat middle spot was Rend Lake in southern Illinois. This is where the adventure begins and one thing I love about these sessions. I do not do any scouting outside of looking at google maps and finding some points that look good. For 11 years, I’ve been doing sessions this way. I like coming into a session with fresh eyes and a sense of adventure for finding the best locations. Plus, this time is great for connecting with couples. We spent quite a bit of time hiking through tall grass, fields, and woods. It was a great time hanging out with Kaitlyn and Chase and capturing their love on camera. It did result in my first case of poison ivy for the year, but totally worth it. 🙂 Not only was it quite an adventure, but it was a perfect day for pictures! This Spring has been pretty insane this year! I have been loving the 60-70 degree temps while still in May. Am I right?!