Newborn Photography Effingham, IL

Newborn Photography Effingham, IL

About 4 years ago, I made the transition from traditional newborn pictures to lifestyle newborn pictures. Traditional pictures didn’t last long after our son was born. Our son was a sleeper… except when it came to newborn pictures. He did not want to sleep...
Altamont, IL Wedding Photographer :: Lexi + Derek

Altamont, IL Wedding Photographer :: Lexi + Derek

Wedding season is back and I’m loving it! Until you’ve worked in the wedding industry, you cannot understand the amount of energy that is required to work a wedding day. Please understand, this is not a complaining, negative tone. The energy required to...
Why I Print One-Year Baby Albums for Families

Why I Print One-Year Baby Albums for Families

When I started my photography business in 2009, from the beginning, prints were important to me. You have to understand, during this time, digital cameras for consumers was still pretty new. When I was in college during 2005-2006, as a part of my college photography...
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